Ensemble de la Belle Musique (EBM), literally translated as “Ensemble of Beautiful Music”, is a new chamber ensemble founded by Dr. Joseph Curiale, a well-known Emmy Award-nominated Hollywood film music composer, Dr. Leonard Tan, a well-known local conductor and music educator, local twin pianists-composers, Low Shao Suan and Low Shao Ying, and Michael Thien, event organiser.
EBM performs world premieres of melodious and tonal original works written by living composers from Australia, Denmark, Spain, Singapore and USA. These works, in various styles ranging from neo-Classical to New Age, film and jazz, revolve around the theme, “Christmas”, and they will be performed by accomplished local musicians.
Tickets at https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/christmas-concert-2017-tickets-40053925369?aff=es2